03 March, 2008

Sail boat on the lake

I got the idea for this picture, from a photo my brother took of a boat on lake Cootharaba.
Notice the boat in the background, left hand side.
I like painting water alot, because it is very easy to do with watercolours.The reflection was done with the same colour as the boat. The colours I used for this painting were: Phthalo blue, Ultramarine, Crimson, Permanent green, and Mediom yellow. Please rate this picture (eg, ***** = 5 star.)


Anonymous said...

5*****s...I like this painting. Just following a trail and here I found someone else that loves the water. I wish I could paint like this...maybe someday I will learn (when I can retire). :) Susan

brucesc said...

5*****s from me too. This is my first visit to your art studio and I think you show great promise! You're very right about using good paper for watercolor-- not doing that is the reason so many people get discouraged with watercolors. I like to paint animals too, but I have pretty much retired and do photography mostly now. My art site is: www.toogoodoostudios.com

Nancy said...

Hi, Susan.
Thanks for the comment. I found that watercolours are easyest to begin with, ( so long as you use thick paper)
I guess allot of people like painting water, because it just takes a wash.
I reckon you should learn to paint, 'cause it's very rewarding.

Nancy said...

Hi brucesc,
I paint some animals too. This picture is based on a photo my brother took.
I think his photo blog adress is at the top of my first page, at least, I think there is a short cut to it.
I hope to visit your site soon.